Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to oss your weight with 1000 calorie a day

Though the dieter can opt for many diet plans that readily available in the health industry, he/she may not be able to achieve the amount of weight loss that maybe claimed by the every other diet plan. The standard amount of calories to be consumed by a person is of 1200 to 1500 calories. 1000 calorie a day diet can be hugely attributed to the presence of essential nutrients in it.
You can always opt for the intake of snacks that are low in calories. Snacks are the food items that are consumed several times in between the meals. The low calorie food stuffs contain a lot of valuable dietary fibers so that the stomach gets filled with these fibers and prevents the onset of craving in the dieter.
Processed food stuffs that contain Tran’s fats should never be included in the 1000 calorie a day diet plan as they render empty calories to their body that can never be utilized in the form of energy.
The dieter is laws advised to opt for an exercise regimen along with a well-balanced diet plan and by including the low calorie food stuffs in the diet you would have to work out for lesser minutes. if you like the taste of non-veg recipes then maybe you can prefer the intake of food items like lean meat that are low in fat an high in proteins.
Cut the meals into smaller proportion and increases their frequency so that you won’t feel craving at any point of time during the day. The extra calories that might have been eaten by a dieter on nay occasion should be adjusted with servings of the remaining day so that count of calories stays limited to 1000 calories.
There are many ways to get rid of stomach fat and those stubborn love handles. With proper exercise and a healthy balanced diet, you can even learn how to get a six pack and have toned abs that be the envy of the people around you. Eating no carb foods is one way to start burning off those excess stomach fat. It’s all about believing you can do it and get started!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mesothelioma of the Peritoneum

The peritoneum is a membranous layer that is made up of two sub-layers called the parietal and visceral layers. The parietal layer covers the abdominal cavity, while the visceral layer surrounds abdominal organs. Together these two layers provide support and protection for abdominal organs and the abdominal cavity as a whole.
Mesothelioma of the abdomen, like all types of mesothelioma, is caused by asbestos exposure. Though it can take many years for a patient to demonstrate symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma, the cancer develops when the asbestos fibers become lodged in the spaces between the mesothelial cells.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

A patient with peritoneal mesothelioma may not demonstrate symptoms of the cancer for 20 to 50 years after initial asbestos exposure since it often takes years for mesothelioma to manifest. In the case of peritoneal mesothelioma, asbestos fibers travel into the peritoneal layers where they cause irritation and inflammation and the development of cancerous cells which divide and grow uncontrollably. The cells cause thickening of the peritoneum and fluid build-up in the peritoneal layers. As the cancerous cells continue to divide overtime, tumors start to form. Most peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms are caused by this membrane thickening, fluid build-up, and eventual tumor development - all of which put pressure on internal organs.
Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include:
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Changes in bowel habits (such as diarrhea or constipation)
  • Development of lumps under the skin on the abdomen
  • Night sweats or fever
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Diagnosis

X-rays are the most common scans used to help diagnose peritoneal mesothelioma.
A peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of symptoms alone. The process begins with a thorough examination of a patient’s medical history and physical condition, followed by sophisticated diagnostic testing such as imaging and fluid and tissue tests.
Imaging tests such as x-rays or CT scans are used to detect any abnormalities in the body and a biopsy is usually performed to confirm that the cancer involved is indeed mesothelioma. A biopsy is a minor surgical procedure that involves the removal of fluid or tissue from the peritoneum.
After the biopsy, the fluid and tissue is tested in a laboratory for the presence of mesothelioma cells. If the biopsy returned reveals that a patient has peritoneal mesothelioma, the doctor, together with the patient, will detail a treatment plan.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Treatments

Though treating peritoneal mesothelioma can be difficult since the cancer has typically progressed to later stages of development, doctors typically recommend treatment to patients to combat the cancer and aid in pain relief. Common treatments used for patients with mesothelioma include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation . Chemotherapy medications and radiation therapy target and kill cancerous cells that rapidly divide.
While no known cure for peritoneal mesothelioma exists, patients may elect to undergo a combination of treatments or participate in clinical trials to alleviate pain and increase the quality of life. Clinical trials are studies that qualifying patients may participate to test up-and-coming medications and treatments. All potential treatment options and medications must go through clinical trials before they are deemed safe and effective.

Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is just one effective form of peritoneal mesothelioma treatment.
Some peritoneal mesothelioma patients may opt for intraperitoneal chemotherapy, where medications are injected directly into the peritoneum immediately following surgery. In some cases, patients may first go through radiation therapy to shrink tumors before undergoing surgery.
Many patients, however, are not good candidates for surgery since mesothelioma has often spread too extensively or because the patient’s general health is too poor to cope with the stress of surgery. These patients may elect to participate in palliative treatment options that do not attempt to cure a patient, but work to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for peritoneal mesothelioma patients.

How Does Asbestos Cause Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

There are two main theories regarding how asbestos exposure leads to the development of peritoneal mesothelioma:
  • Asbestos fibers are ingested, and these fibers work their way from digestive organs into the peritoneal membrane.
  • Asbestos fibers are inhaled, and travel to the peritoneal membrane via the lymphatic system.
Regardless of how asbestos fibers actually enter the peritoneal layers, once they do enter the membrane, the body experiences difficulty in expelling them. The fibers become trapped in the peritoneal membrane, and over a period of two or more decades, cause certain changes in the mesothelial cells of the peritoneum.
The exact way in which asbestos fibers cause changes in these mesothelial cells is uncertain. One theory is that asbestos fibers cause long-term inflammation and irritation that eventually causes mesothelial cells to become cancerous. When cells become cancerous, they lose the ability to regulate their own division and growth. Cancerous mesothelial cells divide and grow without restraint, and this uncontrolled cell growth causes thickening of the peritoneum, and the build-up of fluid in the peritoneal layers. Overtime, as cancerous cells continue to divide, tumors form.
With an assorted array of treatment options available to combat mesothelioma, it is important to understand your options and we offer a comprehensive packet with information about treatment and top doctors. To receive your packet, please fill out this form .

mesothelioma treatment options

A diagnosis of mesothelioma is always difficult, whether it is pleural mesothelioma or another variety. Because this is such an aggressive malignancy, patients and their families may have a difficult time addressing the issue of treatment. However, because options for mesothelioma patients are steadily increasing, the discussion of treatment with one’s primary oncologist, family members, and loved ones is important. Nearly all mesothelioma patients have treatment options-be they curative or palliative that can extend survival, alleviate pain, and increase quality of life.
Each mesothelioma case is considered individually and there is no singular prescribed roadmap for the management of malignant mesothelioma. What's best for each individual patient will depend on any number of factors. Diagnostic procedures such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and biopsies will be used to determine these factors and these tests will assist your primary care physician and/or oncologist in determining the best treatment for the individual and their particular circumstances.
Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Cancer treatment usually focuses upon destroying malignant cells and preserving healthy ones. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. At the present, patients will typically utilize three primary mechanisms for mesothelioma treatment. Either surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, or some combination of the three are considered the most effective for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. What course of treatment is recommended will largely depend on these issues
The type of mesothelioma and location of the tumor
The size of the tumor(s)
The degree to which the cancer has spread or metastasized
The staging of the cancer – I, II, III, etc.
The age of the patient
The overall physical health of the patient
Setting up any type of treatment may involve seeing a variety of doctors, including an oncologist (cancer specialist), pulmonologist (lung specialist), or radiologist. Patience is sometimes necessary to determine the exact malignancy variety and location, but knowing these factors will undoubtedly assist the oncologist in prescribing the best possible method of mesothelioma treatment.
Surgery for Mesothelioma Treatment
Surgery can be performed on mesothelioma patients for one of two reasons: in an attempt to cure the disease or for palliative reasons in order to keep the patient more comfortable and improve the quality of life. Because mesothelioma is nearly always diagnosed in its later stages, curative surgery is typically not an option. Once the tumor has metastasized outside the pleural cavity, palliation is typically the only ends for which surgery is utilized.
As tests are developed that may help to diagnose mesothelioma at an earlier stage, surgery may become more of an option in the future. At that point, doctors may be able to attempt to remove the cancer and some of the surrounding tissue in an attempt to stabilize the disease.
More often, however, surgery is used as a palliative measure. For example, doctors may opt for a surgery called a pleurodesis, which involves injecting talc into the lungs to prevent fluid from returning. A thoracentesis, a surgical procedure that removes fluid from the lungs by means of a thin needle, may also be recommended.
In severe cases, a pleurectomy may be recommended for palliative purposes. This involves removing the pleura - the lining of the lung - and can control fluid build-up and lessen pain and breathing difficulties.
Advancements in Mesothelioma Surgery
In recent years, there have been advancements with extensive surgeries that have extended mesothelioma survival rates in those diagnosed with early stage disease. Among the more exciting of these treatments is what is known as extrapleural pneumonectomy. This procedure, which requires the expertise of a leading mesothelioma doctor, involves the surgical resection of the entire affected lung, pleurectomy, removal of the pericardium (a membrane which surrounds the heart), and the diaphragm. During the course of surgery, intra-operative chemotherapy agent (i.e. cisplatin or GEMzar) will be applied directly to the affected area to eliminate any remaining malignant cells. Following the application of chemotherapy, the diaphragm and pericardium are reconstructed with prosthetic material.
Radiation Therapy for Mesothelioma Treatment
If a patient’s health is too fragile for surgery or chemotherapy, radiation is often recommended. Radiation is associated with the fewest side effects and is typically more to tolerable than chemotherapy for mesothelioma treatment. There are a few different methodologies of radiation therapy available to mesothelioma patients. Radiation is often used in conjunction with another type of treatment such as an in complementary capacity to an existing chemotherapy regimen.
External beam radiation - the preferred type to treat mesothelioma, this type of radiation comes from a machine outside the body and is aimed toward affected areas. Usually administered 5-days-a-week for up to 5 weeks, this type of radiation is often used for palliative purposes - to lessen breathing difficulties, pain, bleeding, or difficulty swallowing - but has seldom shown true efficacy as a curative mesothelioma treatment. This type of radiation may also be used in addition to surgery.
Brachytherapy - Rarely prescribed for mesothelioma, this kind of radiation places radioactive material directly inside the lung or abdomen.
Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma Treatment
Like radiation, chemotherapy provides no cure for mesothelioma but can be extremely effective in providing relief from the difficult symptoms of the disease. As researchers continue to trial different combinations of chemotherapy drugs, patients will continue to benefit from their findings. The hops is that someday, chemotherapy drugs may go a lot further in prolonging the life of a patient and developing a cure for mesothelioma.
Chemotherapy drugs, in general, are either ingested in pill form or injected into the patient systemically. In the case of mesothelioma patients, the drugs are administered intravenously. Doctors will typically combine two drugs for the best result. One will act as the primary cytotoxin and another will serve as an alkalizing agent to stabilize surrounding healthy cells. At the present the only combination approved by the Food and Drug Administration is Alimta®; (pemetrexed) and Cisplatin®, but other drugs are used in tandem if deemed preferable for a specific patient participating in a clinical trial. In some cases, patients can only tolerate a single drug so only one is used for treatment.
Other drugs are given to the patient to combat the unpleasant side effects of chemo, such as medication to relieve nausea and vomiting or vitamins to replace essential ones lost during chemotherapy. Some patients for one reason or another will make a measured determination that the side effects of chemotherapy are too severe and opt not to receive this treatment.
Clincal Trials for Mesothelioma Treatment
Clinical trials are the study of promising new treatments for a particular disease. These trials are constantly in need of patients who are willing to try these experimental treatments before they are approved by the FDA. Patients should speak to their doctors about current clinical trials available to them and if they might qualify to be a part of a particular study. Those opting to participate in a clinical trial should carefully weigh what advantages and disadvantages, in addition to the goals of the trial before deciding to participate.
Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment
Alternative therapies include potential treatment for a disease or its symptoms that are not part of the conventional treatment generally recommended for patients with the disease. These might include the use of vitamins or herbs or participation in therapies such as acupuncture, massage, or hypnosis.
Mesothelioma Cure
Following the backlash of asbestos-related exposures and illnesses, many people were wondering how scientific research was going to proceed. The response has been encouraging, with cancer specialists and other doctors working each day towards a cure for malignant mesothelioma. While a way to completely eliminate the cancer from the body does not presently exist, there are several successful mesothelioma treatment programs as well as clinical trials that are working towards developing a way to eliminate this unfortunate form of cancer.
Treatments for patients of malignant mesothelioma commonly fall in line with treatment of other lung and lung-related cancers. Curative treatments are those which remove the cancer from the body completely. While there are no cures for mesothelioma, any treatment could theoretically be curative, so long as it is successful in completely removing the cancer from the body. While the treatment may be curative, it is important to remember that curative treatments do not rule out the recurrence of the disease.
While curative treatments may not prevent the disease from recurring, it is important to be aware of current initiatives that are working towards a total cure for the disease. There have been instances of unique treatment programs that have prevented the recurrence of the disease for several years. Paul Krauss was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 1997 and given only a few months to live by his physician. Today, Paul Krauss is still alive and active and has dedicated himself towards spreading awareness of the disease and working with others in developing treatment programs that would be as successful as his has been.
Combination treatments, which integrate two or more different treatment options, such as surgery coupled with radiation, or surgery paired with radiation and chemotherapy have been successful in extending life expectancies. Researchers believe that when the right combination of therapies is found, prognoses will be far longer than anyone could have imagined when the disease first manifested. Technology has also afforded new possibilities to mesothelioma patients. CT (Computer Topography) scans have been able to map three-dimensional images of the body's internal organs for targeted chemotherapy or radiation therapy to be administered.
Another novel technique is being integrated with surgical resections of mesothelioma tumors. Heated chemotherapeutic agents have shown increased proficiency in the elimination of cancer cells. Side effects of chemotherapy have, in the past, prevented physicians from delivering an optimal dosage of the drug. However, a novel procedure known as intracavity heated chemotherapy treatment has integrated these two concepts into a successful program. Heated chemotherapeutic agent is administered directly to the affected area during the surgical removal, destroying any remaining cancer cells in the area and extending prognoses well beyond typical timeframs.
It is through technology and advancements such as these that cancer specialists and physicians are laying the groundwork for a cure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


What is Mesothelioma?

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of cells lining the body's internal organs, known as the mesothelium. There are three recognized types of mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of the disease, accounting for roughly 70% of cases, and occurs in the lining of the lung known as the pleura. Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs in the lining of the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum and pericardial mesothelioma originates in the pericardium, which lines the heart.

Who is at risk for Mesothelioma?

The only recognized cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, though other factors such as smoking can make mesothelioma more or less likely in some individuals. Industrial laborers were widely subjected to asbestos exposure on the job, as the material was widely used throughout the 20th century. Few of these workers knew they were being exposed to asbestos and thus put at risk for mesothelioma, however, despite the fact that many manufacturers were aware the material was hazardous. In most cases, mesothelioma symptoms will not appear in an individual exposed to asbestos until many years after the exposure has occurred. Those who believe they may have been exposed to asbestos are at risk for mesothelioma and should fill out our form to receive a free mesothelioma information packet, detailing treatment options, emerging therapies, and jobsite exposure information.

Mesothelioma Treatment

Once an individual has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, the next step is to discuss mesothelioma treatment options with his/her physician. Recent scientific research has produced significant breakthroughs with regard to treatment protocols for mesothelioma patients and more options are now available for managing mesothelioma and supporting improved quality of life. Newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients always have many questions about the treatment options that would be most effective for them, including those about new treatment therapies like Alimta® and Cisplatin and other chemotherapy drugs. In addition to these newer drugs that are being used to treat asbestos cancer, mesothelioma patients also have a number of "conventional" treatment options to consider, including mesothelioma chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
Mesothelioma clinical trials and experimental treatments are still other options that some mesothelioma patients may be eligible to participate in. Our site features a comprehensive mesothelioma cancer treatment section that includes important information for patients and families. We've included resources on top mesothelioma doctors such as Dr. Sugarbaker, as well as a comprehensive list of questions that you may wish to discuss with your personal physician when preparing a mesothelioma treatment plan. We are always providing new and informative resources regarding mesothelioma treatment including: Clinical Trials, conventional treatments, experimental therapies, as well as alternative mesothelioma treatment options. Check back often for the most recent advances in mesothelioma treatments.